
Neopets - Tabletop Roleplaying Game Official TTRPG

Created by Geekify Inc

Explore the world of Neopia in tabletop RPG form. Go on quests, save those in need, and heed the call of adventure!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Third stretch goal unlocked, and fourth on the way!
3 months ago – Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 12:38:04 AM

Hey Neopians!

You guys, this was a good stretch goal to unlock. We here at Geekify love books. Like, love them. Making and rebinding books is one of our biggest passions and claims to fame, and we have a long history of making some epic books for our clients.

This stretch goal unlocked the premium books, which means we can do some neat value-adds to the hardcover Core Rules and Fall of Faerieland books. We've got a couple different avenues we're exploring to make the hardcovers epic, potentially doing the cover art you see in the Kickstarter as a dust jacket over a fancy leatherbound style book. Things like book ribbons and gold stamping were a given, but now gilded edges, foil embossing, and some other awesome things aren't out of the question. We always strive to make things the best they can be, and now our production run can upgrade all of the books for the backers. Go team! And we are already well on our way to getting the next stretch goal unlocked in the next day or two as well. You guys are amazing! 


There were more requests to see mechanics than we'd initially expected at the current Kickstarter phase, and we are currently powering through creating and adapting a tiny little one-shot to showcase some rules and mechanics for demo gameplay. We want to make sure it's polished up and trying to get it done this weekend (there's a lot going on, as you can imagine), so we'll see what we can get done by next week for you. 


Some people have been asking if there's a Discord server. There was not, but there is now! We're currently getting it set up and configured. Once we open the floodgates there, it's one more thing we need to monitor and keep up on, and we want to make sure we've got the bandwidth for it before launching. It'll take on a much larger role after the Kickstarter is complete and as we enter the community playtesting and feedback phase. We'll announce and link to the Discord more formally later, but it's in the works!

Content Request and Idea Submissions:

Send ideas and requests here!

Playtesting Signups:

Sign up for community playtests here:

Spreading the Word:

Just as before, we need your help sharing it out to make it as big as it can get - whether that's to blogs, news organizations, social media, telling your friends - everything helps! If you want to tag us, here are each of our main social media. Tag influencers, let the other big names on the TTRPG scene know about the project! 


Twitter / X:



Thanks for all your support and go team, go! Buckle up, it's about to get wild in these last 10 days of the campaign!

The Geekify Crew

Second Stretch Goal, Retail Tiers, and Playtesting!
3 months ago – Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 12:27:22 AM

Hey Neopians!

We're now halfway through the campaign, with another fifteen days to go, and over 300% funded. That's cause for a celebration, like unlocking a stretch goal!

Second Stretch Goal - Unlocked!

Congratulations on unlocking the second stretch goal! 

All physical purchases of the Core Rules or the Fall of Faerieland books will now include a pack of character sheets for your party. 

We might conceivably do some upgrades to them along the way in the production cycle to make them cooler and spiffier. We will also be including digital PDFs of the character sheets for download and home-printing as well. These will join the collection of online digital assets in the DriveThru repository when everything gets posted digitally. 

Great work! Next up, some really fancy upgrades to the hardcover books!

Content Request and Idea Submissions:

We've had some really awesome submissions in the comments and idea box already, so keep them coming! While we already have a lot of the mechanics formed, we're also committed to making the game the best it can be, and we're prepared to rewrite anything that we find that needs adding or improving upon, or sounds like a great idea we want to see implemented. 

Send ideas and requests here!

Retail Tiers:

We're going to be adding retail tiers in the next few days for people owning brick and mortar stores or wanting to get some inventory for their shops. If you're interested, please feel free to shoot us a direct message separately too on what you're looking for!

Showcasing Mechanics:

We've had a number of requests by people wanting to see how game mechanics will actually play out, and we've been trying to figure out the best way to show that off, with time for the campaign itself being so limited - our intent was always to show it as part of the continued development cycle, and to start introducing mechanics explanations in tandem with the community playtests, but we'll accelerate that a bit to help people get a feel for what happens during game play. We'll be doing a series of broad strokes overviews of some of the systems in the coming updates, and doing a tiny one-shot so people can see rules in action. (We're also still finalizing the visuals for page formatting so we can start putting information into a more polished looking document for publishing, too).

If you have specific things you want to know about, please just ask, and we can answer in the comments, or use it as a topic for an update!

Playtesting Signups:

We'll be a little louder about this later, but we've created a form for signups for volunteer community playtesting (and added the link to the FAQ). Right now we're just amassing contact details to get in touch with people when we get to that phase, so add your name to the list if interested!

Spreading the Word:

Just as before, we need your help sharing it out to make it as big as it can get - whether that's to blogs, news organizations, social media, telling your friends - everything helps! If you want to tag us, here are each of our main social media. Tag influencers, let the other big names on the TTRPG scene know about the project! 


Twitter / X:



Thanks for all your support and go team, go! On to the next stretch goals!

The Geekify Crew

First stretch goal unlocked!
3 months ago – Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 08:17:12 AM

Wow, you guys rock our world! Congratulations on unlocking the first stretch goal at the $100k mark! That means now that anyone who gets a physical book will also get a digital copy of the book as well, so you can more easily look up rules and peruse from your mobile devices. Huzzah!

The next stretch goal coming up is some awesome character sheets for creating and tracking the stats on your characters. Great for starting out a campaign, it'll have everything you need on one handy sheet. We'll also make the digital copy of this available online too, once unlocked, so you can print your own. 

After that, the next big one that everyone should be coveting is premium embellishing of the hardcover book. If you're familiar with Geekify as a company, then you know that we love books, and specialize in making unique and interesting book exteriors, so we'd love to offer a bonus upgrade of the books to have much higher quality and embellishing features on it. 


We've got three weeks ahead and want to enlist your help sharing it out to make it as big as it can get - whether that's to blogs, news organizations, social media, telling your friends - everything helps! If you want to tag us, here are each of our main social media. 


Twitter / X:



Thanks so much for your support, and we're excited to see the next stages of the Kickstarter ahead :). Let's get working on that next stretch goal!

3 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 10:58:00 AM

Hey Neopians!

Wow, what an incredibly strong start for the campaign! Here we are on day five and already over 200% funded. This is unbelievably exciting on our end, and we're looking forward to the stretch goals unlocking one by one. 

We just wanted to post with some details and orientation information about the campaign. 


Your questions and comments have been awesome so far, and definitely have us thinking about some things now that we actually have to explain things to people. Please continue to ask questions - we'll continue filling out the FAQ for questions.

The Idea Box:

We've set up a Google form for submissions for ideas and content or mechanics that you really want to see implemented. If you've seen things that worked well in other systems, or didn't work well, let us know. This project has been in development for two years, but as we make it more public, we're very interested in having more eyes on it and ideas from the community on what you want to see in this game system.

We've already gotten some wonderful submissions - thanks so much, and keep them coming! We meet weekly and will start making the submissions a part of our discussions. 


After the initial 30 days of the Kickstarter, pledges are collected and disbursed - you'll have approximately a week to make sure your funds are available to be collected by Kickstarter. If funds cannot be collected and you still want to be part of the project, then you can contact us and we can do our best to still help you stay in it. 

We highly recommend if you are still on the fence that you pledge at even the $1 level, since we will honor your status as an original backer once the campaign is complete and you wish to pledge more in the BackerKit phase.

After the pledges have all been collected, then we enter the pledge management phase. We have chosen BackerKit to work with as our pledge manager, and have loved working with them in the past. BackerKit is a management platform that allows you to tweak and modify your order up until the ship date, and allows people to continue pre-ordering and getting add-ons. 

All of your pledge money from the Kickstarter will become "store credit" in the BackerKit, which will have all of the items, reward tiers, and add-ons. It's essentially a clone of the Kickstarter, but with more flexibility for reward management. As new add-ons or stretch goals become available, or if we have a brainstorm for something kick-ass to add to the project, they'll also be added to the BackerKit. You can allocate your funds towards any and all items or add-ons in any combination you so choose, and that's where we'll be coordinating the shipping costs for the final tally of your order. 

The BackerKit phase will last until it's time to ship, so even if you miss the initial 30 days window, you can still receive items and rewards. You can continue updating your shipping details until the very last minute, too!

Sharing the Campaign:

We couldn't do this project without you! That's partly why we're launching on Kickstarter, to have more community involvement and visibility, and also 

There are a lot of great stretch goals, and the bigger this campaign gets, the more bang for your buck we can incorporate. Anyone who knows our projects knows they can tend to be lengthy, but turn out some ridiculously cool results. More resources means we can accomplish more, and sets a solid foundation for creating an ecosystem for further development. To that end, we want this to grow as big as it possibly can! 

We need your help sharing it out - whether that's to blogs, news organizations, social media, telling your friends - everything helps! If you want to tag us, here are each of our main social media. 


Twitter / X:



Code of Conduct:

Just a reminder that we have a Code of Conduct for this campaign to help guide interactions with each other and with us. We're all here to have a good time, create awesome things, and help bring ideas to life. Be respectful, be kind, and be patient - there will be mis-steps along the way. We're here to support you just as much as you are to support us, and this community is an incredibly welcoming and varied one. Let's maintain that spirit - don't be the problem, or the reason someone has a bad day!

Day One - Fully Funded!
3 months ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 05:20:03 PM

Happy Day One launch of the campaign, and a HUGE thank you to everyone supporting the project! We just smashed through our funding goal in six and a half hours, and we're well on our way to achieving stretch goals at this rate.  

We've got so many things to share with you over the next month, from game mechanics to lore and worldbuilding, and some behind the scenes of how the game development has been going and where it's headed. It's been quite a road getting the project this far, and we can't wait to take the next step in its evolution and involve you all in the process. 

Day one of a Kickstarter is always the most important for getting the word out there and helping build traction for the month, so to reach our initial funding goal on day one is humbling, flattering, and such an honor. The Neopets community and fanbase has always been such an amazing one to work with, and we're stoked to bring this project to market with your help. We've got a lot of incredible goals ahead that we want to help incorporate, so we highly encourage you all to post, share, and send this campaign to anyone you think might enjoy it. Help us make this as big as we possibly can, and we'll do everything in our power to make it out-of-this-world!

We'll have more to come this weekend, but for now, from the bottom of our hearts - THANK YOU =)!